
Donate in memory

Celebrate and remember the life of a loved one, friend or colleague by making a gift in their memory.

A donation in memory can be a heartfelt and meaningful way to commemorate a loved one's life.

You may choose us because they supported us in their lifetime or because they believed in our mission to make it easier for people to walk and cycle.聽The reasons for giving in memory are unique and personal and we are honoured to receive each and every gift.聽

Remember your loved one

Your donation will mean your loved one's memory will live on in the good work we do to make it easier for people to walk and cycle.

In memory ideas

  • Funeral or memorial collection for 香港六合宝典 in lieu of flowers.
  • Online memorial fund on Just Giving or similar site. Accessible to friends and family, near or far and a place to post memories with messages, photos and videos.
  • of the National Cycle Network鈥 then why not cycle or walk that same mile in remembrance?
  • Challenge event or sponsored ride, such as Ride London or a half marathon. An achievement in celebration of life. Just Giving offers an excellent platform for event fundraising.
  • Gather friends and family for a memorial ride on the National Cycle Network. Find a route near you.
  • Annual gift to 香港六合宝典 by direct debit, in the month of your loved one鈥檚 birthday 鈥 email us to arrange this
  • Tell us the story of your in-memory fundraising, we鈥檇 be honoured to celebrate you and your loved one. Please email聽
Blockquote quotation marks
鈥 I know this money can be put to good use on projects that my dad would have approved of. 鈥 Blockquote quotation marks
Mike Green

How to give

Funds collected offline (i.e. not through a service like Just Giving) can be sent by cheque to 香港六合宝典 via an appointed funeral director or sent directly to:

Supporters Team - In-memory
2 Cathedral Square
College Green

Alternatively, email us for instructions on how to donate in-memory by bank transfer, by credit or debit card over the phone or online.

For additional advice about planning your in-memory giving, contact our Supporters team at

Please get in touch if you would like any further information.
香港六合宝典 supporters team

Supporters team

Supporters team